High Holy Days at Sinai

May the High Holy Days Bring Us All Renewal, Blessing, and Life!
Our community is eagerly awaiting the High Holy Days of 5785, days to find hope with one another, reflect on our lives, reconnect with one another, and seek healing for our broken world. As we approach this season this year, we pray it will be a good and healthy New Year for you and your dear ones, and for our entire community and Jews everywhere. Whether you choose to join us in person at the Temple or via your computer for the upcoming Elul events, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, we pray that the promise of a new beginning for ourselves and our world will bring us goodness and blessing, life and health, and strength and courage in the Jewish New Year 5785.
Our High Holy Day prayer book says as the Shofar is sounded, “Hayom harat olam… Today, the world is born anew… Lovingly, God, receive our prayers!” We pray that the New Year will fill us with hope and prayer, inspire us to action, and strengthen the connections for everyone within our community. May the High Holy Days help us renew our lives!
– Rabbi Andy Vogel & Rabbi Talia Stein
High Holy Days 5785 Information
The New Year 5785 begins with Rosh Hashanah on the evening of Wednesday, October 2, and with Yom Kippur, which begins on Friday evening, October 11.
This year, we offer Sanctuary services for all of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We will also be offering a Tot Service and a Family Service for the mornings of the two holidays, both held in the Weintraub Community Room (see below for service times). All services this year are at Temple Sinai, unlike last year. We are very happy to again provide live video options via Zoom for members and guests who wish to join us remotely for our services in the Sanctuary.
Following public health recommendations, we advise that all individuals be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The decision about whether to wear a mask is up to each individual and we respect each person’s choice about masking.
To Participate on Zoom
Those who are unable to join us in person are welcome to participate in any of our Sanctuary services by Zoom; please note that pre-registration is required for Zoom participation (whether or not you are a Temple Sinai member), so that we may send you Zoom internet URL links.
Tot Services & Family Services (Mornings)
Our Tot Service (ages 0-6) and Family Service (for families with children in Grades 1 -5), led by Rabbi Stein, have limited seating, and require pre-registration. Please register to reserve seats here.
Elul Events in September
The Hebrew month of Elul provides an opportunity to prepare yourself for the High Holy Days, to engage in cheshbon ha’nefesh, the traditional term for reflection and personal accounting. Please join us again this year for a variety of Elul events during this month of personal preparation, including outdoor Shofar blowing gatherings, classes and workshops on teshuvah, online study and discussion platforms, and opportunities to learn new music and sing together. Our first Shofar Blowing Gathering for Elul will be Tuesday, September 3 at 6:00pm on the Temple Sinai Sanctuary steps. Look for more information about Elul events and please join us!
Click here for a schedule of Elul events.
The Scroll of Remembrance Memorial Book
The Memorial Book is a special opportunity to recall your departed loved ones in the New Year. Please respond to this year’s mailing, or contact the Temple office for further information. The Scroll of Remembrance booklet will be distributed at the Yizkor Memorial Service on Yom Kippur afternoon.
High Holy Day Registration
We welcome non-members and ask that they register for our services, so that they receive Zoom links and admission cards. Members will be mailed admission cards, but they need to register in order to receive the Zoom links, or if they are requesting additional tickets for guests. Guests will receive an admission card, and may pick it up in the Temple office as services begin.
We very much appreciate a donation by members and guests of any amount; a link to make a contribution is available on the High Holy Day registration form, or you may use the “Make a Donation” button at the top of this page. (Thank you!)
Our entire staff at Temple Sinai joins in wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year. L’shanah tovah tikateivu v’tichateimu!

High Holy Days Registration Link
We welcome non-members and ask that they register for our services, so that they receive Zoom links and admission cards. Members will be mailed admission cards, but they need to register in order to receive the Zoom links, or if they are requesting additional tickets for guests. Guests will receive an admission card, and may pick it up in the Temple office as services begin. We very much appreciate a donation by members and guests of any amount; a link to make a contribution is available on the High Holy Day registration page. (Thank you!)
Prayer Book Information
Machzorim (High Holy Day prayer books) will not be shown on screen during services. We encourage those congregants who will participate in High Holy Day services online to obtain their own set or, if Sinai members, to borrow our prayer books. We use URJ’s two-volume Mishkan HaNefesh machzor book.
- You can purchase a digital edition of the prayer books from Amazon for $9.99/for each book (2 volumes). The digital edition does not require a Kindle device, only the Kindle app.
- You can purchase your own printed set (regular or large-print) from:
- Kolbo (617-731-8743)
- Israel Book Shop (617) 566-7113)
- CCAR Press ($50 plus shipping) Order here
Click here for more information about buying a Machzor, borrowing one, or (for temple members who are physically unable to go to the temple) having one delivered to your home.
We look forward to observing the High Holy Days with you this fall. Shanah Tovah!
Yom Kippur Food Drive
For over 20 years, Temple Sinai has participated in the nationwide effort to collect food for people in need during the High Holy Days by holding our Yom Kippur Food Drive. All donations will go to the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center. This unique and successful program serves over 5,000 malnourished people a year. You can learn more about the Grow Clinic at their website here. When you come to Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services this year, please bring your donated items. A greeter will direct you to leave your bag in the small room off the vestibule of the temple. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Download a list of suggested items here.
High Holidays Schedule 2024 | 5785 – 5786

Rosh Hashana Services
EREV ROSH HASHANAH | Wednesday October 2, 2024
Service 7:30 pm – Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom
ROSH HASHANAH – First Day | Thursday October 3, 2024
Morning Services:
- Sanctuary Service – In-Person OR by Zoom – 9:30am – 12:30pm (with intermission)
- Tot Services (ages 0-6 and family), 9:30am-10:15am, Weintraub Community Room
- Family Services (ages 6-13 and family), 10:45am-12:30pm, Weintraub Community Room
- Tashlich at Muddy River, Longwood T Stop, 12:45pm (Meet on Temple Sinai’s Sanctuary steps)
ROSH HASHANAH – Second Day | Friday October 4, 2024
- 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Walk & Shofar Blowing
10:30am –12:15pm – Meet at Cutler Park in Needham
This year, please join us for our 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Hike & Shofar Blowing on Friday morning, October 4, at 10:30am at Cutler Park in Needham (enter at the Kendrick Street parking lot), a beautiful, easy hike in the woods and around a scenic lake. Bring your walking shoes and a Shofar if you own one! We will hike for a bit, then assemble for prayer, singing and Shofar blowing.

Yom Kippur Services
KOL NIDRE | Friday October 11, 2024
Service 7:00 pm – Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom
YOM KIPPUR DAY | Saturday October 12, 2024
Morning Services:
- Sanctuary Service – In Person OR by Zoom – 9:30am – 12:30pm (with intermission)
- Tot Services (ages 0-6 and family), 9:30-10:15am, Weintraub Community Room
- Family Services (ages 6-13 and family), 10:45am-12:30pm, Weintraub Community Room
Yom Kippur Healing Service, 1:00pm, Weintraub Community Room OR by Zoom
Yom Kippur Forum Panel, 3:00pm, Sanctuary OR by Zoom
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service, 4:30pm, Sanctuary OR by Zoom
Yizkor Memorial Service and Ne’ilah Concluding Services, beginning at 5:30pm, Sanctuary OR by Zoom
End of Yom Kippur Shofar Blowing, 7:00pm, Sanctuary OR by Zoom