Welcome to Sinai Brookline
If you are interested in being part of an exciting, caring community of people looking to connect with their Jewish identity, you’ll like it here. Sinai Brookline’s four pillars of Community, Caring, Learning, and Prayer enable people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds to explore what it means to be Jewish today. Some find that meaning in prayer and Torah study, others in social action. Some come to sing, while others come to listen. And just about everyone comes to nosh (snack), kibbitz (talk), and connect as friends. Come visit. See if this progressive, unpretentious community is right for you.
Upcoming Sinai Events
Erev Shabbat Services
Erev Shabbat Services
Tu B’shevat Community Dinner & Seder
Tu B'shevat Community Dinner & Seder
Weekly Sunday Afternoon Mah Jong
Weekly Sunday Afternoon Mah Jong
Shabbat Services and Calendar
We gather on Friday evenings to welcome Shabbat in our beautiful Sanctuary, led by our rabbis and cantorial soloist. Once a month, our Shabbat Band enlivens our service with joyous guitars, clarinet, violin, drums, and vocals. Special annual events include Rainbow Shabbat and various renowned speakers. All services are multi-access (held in-person and available remotely). Click here to learn more.
Religious School Information
The Temple Sinai Hebrew School is designed to help children explore and shape their Jewish identity through the study of Torah, Hebrew reading and comprehension skills, Tefillah (prayer), social action, and Jewish holidays and culture. It is a loving educational environment where kids can take a creative journey to discover what being Jewish means to them. Click here to learn more.
Adult Education
Sinai Brookline proudly offers Adult Learning programs. Life-long Jewish learning has always been a core value of Temple Sinai. The Adult Learning program at Temple Sinai challenges us to grow intellectually, spiritually and personally as modern Jews living in the midst of our community. Click here to learn more.