Check our calendar for a full listing of services, classes and special events.

Sinai Families


Your Sinai Family Community

Looking for a warm and inclusive Jewish community for you and your family? Sinai Brookline in Coolidge Corner is a multi-generational Reform congregation with a vibrant and beloved religious school, kind and accessible staff, and a place to form lasting friendships. We offer rich educational programs for children and teens, from toddlerhood through high school. Come visit us!

Temple Sinai welcomes all, including Jews of Color, LGBTQ and interfaith families, and people of all abilities, Jewish backgrounds and perspectives.

Religious School

Here at Temple Sinai we cultivate a hands-on approach to learning in our classrooms and community. Our students and parents take an active role at family learning programs, special events and Shabbat services. Our curriculum emphasizes the basics of Torah, Hebrew reading and comprehension skills, social action, prayer, and Jewish studies. Our goal is to open a door to learning for everyone! Once a month, the entire religious school community comes together on a Sunday morning for joyous singing and the ritual of Havdalah (when we bid farewell to Shabbat).

  • Grades K-2 attend on Sunday mornings
  • Grades 3-7 attend on Sunday mornings and Tuesday afternoons
  • Grades 8-12 enroll in Sinai U, our multi-faceted teen program

Please note that Temple membership is required for enrollment – We offer complimentary Temple membership dues for new families whose oldest child is entering Kindergarten, Grade 1, or Grade 2.

Learn more here or contact the Director of Education directly



High Holy Day Family Service

Looking for welcoming High Holy Day Services for your family? Join us on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings for services designed for young children and their families. 

Rosh Hashanah – Thursday October 3, 2024
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12, 2024

  • Tot Services (ages 0-6 and family), 9:30am-10:15am, Weintraub Community Room
  • Family Services (ages 6-13 and family), 10:45am-12:30pm, Weintraub Community Room

These services are in-person only, and admission cards are required.
Please submit our High Holy Day registration form if you plan to attend one or both of these services.

    Check the calendar for more details.


    For Teens - Sinai U

    Throughout the high school years, our students are involved in a variety of Jewish activities, under the umbrella of “Sinai U,” our multiple-offering program for teens.

    In the 12th grade year, we offer a special “Senior Seminar” with our rabbis, who engage our students in Jewish study and discussion around these topics: preparing for life at college or away from home, their relationships with their parents, making good choices, how to care for the health of their bodies and souls, sexuality and relationships, understanding Israel, and more.

    At the end of the year, we honor all of our graduating high school students for all of their Jewish involvements, and invite them to read from the Torah, at a celebratory Friday night “Aliyah Ceremony,” and we offer blessings for them and their family members. Check out


    All are welcome. Free programs for children ages 6 month – 5 years old

    Baby Naming

    Mazel tov on the birth of your baby! We would be overjoyed to welcome your child into the Jewish covenant at Temple Sinai. Speak to us about holding a baby naming during Shabbat services in our Sanctuary.


    For 3 & 4-year-olds. Monthly on Sundays, 10 a.m. Come explore Judaism! This interactive drop-off program introduces children to Jewish holidays and practices through arts & crafts, songs, stories, and games.

    Tot Shabbat

    For families with children ages 0-5. Monthly on Saturdays, 9:30-10 a.m. Celebrate Shabbat together! Join us in the Sanctuary on Shabbat morning for singing, instruments, movement, and a Torah story.