Film and Discussion: “1913: Seeds of Conflict” with filmmaker and Temple Sinai member Ben Loeterman. "1913: Seeds of Conflict explores the little-known history of Palestine during the latter part of the Ottoman Empire, a time of relative harmony between Arabs and Jews. How did this land of milk and honey, so diverse and rich in… Continue Reading Film and Discussion: “1913: Seeds of Conflict”
Join Rabbi Vogel in person or on Zoom for our weekly Thursday Study group.
Please join us this week for our Erev Shabbat services in the Sanctuary or on Zoom. All are welcome to join us for a pre-service Nosh at 5:30pm.
Temple Sinai is pleased to announce that we are adding more inspiring, joyful and beautiful music to our Shabbat evening schedule! Jacob's Ladder is an internationally touring band seeking to push the boundaries of contemporary Jewish music and traditional American Roots music through Jewish communal singing and prayer. In melding these two musical worlds, they… Continue Reading Jacob’s Ladder
3:00pm-5:00pm Weintraub Community Room Join us to play and learn at our weekly Sunday Sinai Mah Jong games! Whether you are a seasoned expert or still learning the game, you are welcome to join! Come enjoy an afternoon of strategy, community, and enjoyment. Game equipment will be provided but feel free to bring your own set if you have one.