Purim 5785 is Coming!
Save the Dates: Thursday, March 13 & Sunday, March 16 in the Religious School
Get ready to celebrate Purim with your Temple Sinai community! Join us on Thursday night, March 13 in the Sanctuary for a Megillah reading, performances by the Sinai Sympathy Orchestra, our annual 2-Minute Talent Show, a costume parade, and whiskey tasting (for adults) and more!
On Sunday, March 16 Religious School students will continue the celebration with Purim events you won’t want to miss! Students are encouraged to come in costume!
Make sure to place your Hamantaschen order to pick up in the Java Nagila Cafe!
And, we encourage members of our community to give Purim Tzedakah through Yad Chessed, a fund that supports members of the Boston Jewish community facing financial need. Look for more information to come!